Company and exciting projects

Things are slowly moving forward in the right direction. We are on the road and the times I can really sit down and work have not been plenty yet BUT, there are things getting done either way.


A company name… This is something I have been struggling with quite a bit. Do I want to hide myself behind a company name and a logo or just come forward and say, hey I am Tim and I make games. The idea of having an company name and an official company logo also gives the illusion there is room for expansion, bigger teams, bigger projects. But if I look deep inside to what I really want to achieve with this company is only to create stuff myself and release it. There will never be any bigger teams working under this company name, so screw it. is the company name from now on. It’s who I am and where am from, it doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.


Although I can not share anything just yet, since everything is still very much work in progress I do want to share that I am currently working on two game projects. One is a solo project which is coming along very nicely. I have a working prototype and it about 70% feature complete. Everything in that project I am doing myself, from programming to art and audio. It’s a lot of fun and I can’t wait to share it with you.

The other project is still very much in its concept phase and is a collaboration with one and maybe more industry veterans. This project has some very nice potential.. Let’s see where it goes.

Thats it for now. Hope you are all healthy and safe. Take care.